Laundry Detergent

I make my own laundry detergent, which I use for everything except cloth diapers (because Borax is an ingredient — cloth diapers and Borax do not mix well). I thought I’d share my recipe with you.

This recipe was given to me by a family friend. I have not had any issues with it so far, and it lasts for a long time. The last batch (prior to the most recent one I made two weeks ago) I made was sometime in early summer. I don’t remember the exact time, just that it was before we moved into our current house, and that was in June. So that means one batch of this detergent, for my family of 4, lasted for about 6 months.

I know some of you are thinking it lasted that long because it was used infrequently, but no! Most weeks, I did 3-4 loads per week (sometimes more, sometimes less) so it’s a good amount of detergent, and you only need 1-2 Tbsp per load — depending on how dirty they are.

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